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Day 30 - Home

The 30th and the last day - HOME. For the last 25 years, I can call Tartu my hometown. Therefore I mapped the buildings of Tartu by their footprint elevation...

Day 29 - Lego-style elevation map of Estonia

The 29th day - EXPERIMENTAL. From the moment I saw Andriy Yaremenko’s tutorial for making LEGO maps, I knew I want to try it out myself. Super simple and a l...

Day 27 - Resources - Water mills in Estonia

The 27th day - RESOURCES. Tribute to water mills – our forgotten resource. Estonia is full of small water mills that nowadays are mostly not working anymore....

Day 21 - Environment - Wetlands in Estonia

The 21st day - ENVIRONMENT. Wetlands are in most parts of the world lost environments. Estonia has been blessed with many wetlands - almost 40 000 and rang...

Day 20 - Rural - Soil organic carbon

The 20th day - RURAL. Soil organic carbon as one of the very important ecosystem services in terms of agriculture. Modelled by our Landscape Geoinformatics t...

Day 9 - Yellow - Arable land in Estonia

The ninth day - YELLOW. For a geographer who reads maps all the time, yellow probably associates with arable land as it is often colored red in maps. Therefo...

Day 7 - Red - All roads in Estonia

The seventh day - RED. Didn’t have much time nor great idea for red, so I just visualised all Estonian roads as red. Data from Estonian Topographic Database.

Day 2 - Lines - All streams in Estonia

The second day challenge was LINES. As my research is related to hydrology then the obvious choice was to visualise Estonian stream network. Data is obtained...

Day 0 - MapChallenge Categories

In the end of October 2019 Topi Tjukanov announced the 30 Day Map Challenge in Twitter. So, anyone taking the challenge should make one map per day in whole ...